Dykata is a logic puzzle that uses colors and shapes.

solved puzzle

To solve the puzzle, put one of each color and one of each shape in each row and column. The diagonals do not count. When the puzzle is correctly solved there will be exactly one of each shape and color combination in the puzzle.

sample puzzle

Colored question marks mean the shape is unknown but they show what color the shape will be.

Colorless (black) shapes mean the color is unknown but show what shape goes in that box.

Shapes and colors that have been pre-filled cannot be changed. These are the puzzle constraints. A constraint that defines both the color and the shape is shown with a dark border. A constraint that defines only the color or only the shape is shown with a light border.

button controls

To enter a shape or color, click on the box you want to change, and then select the color and/or shape from the options below the puzzle. Click an option again to undo it.

At the very bottom of the puzzle are controls to:

  1. reset the puzzle (removing all changes you've made)
  2. pause the timer
  3. get a new puzzle of the same difficulty*
  4. change difficulty*

*These last two will also cause you to lose a current puzzle.

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